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For a long while, Nevada’s telemedicine policies were receiving failing grades by ATA standards, but things have started to look up. Nevada has gotten rid of some arbitrary restrictions on telemedicine and is increasing what types of services are covered, which is great news for all kinds of care providers!

Additionally, Nevada has recently enacted legislation to join the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. That’s an exciting step forward for doctors who want to practice telemedicine across state lines.

Ready to find out more about Nevada’s telemedicine policy? Keep on reading.

Parity Law

In May 2015, Nevada passed a parity law that requires coverage and reimbursement for telehealth under private insurance, Medicaid and workers compensation equivalent to in-person care. Nevada is the only state that includes workers compensation in its telemedicine parity law!

Type of Telemedicine Covered

Nevada’s Medicaid programs will only reimburse for live video telemedicine. 

Billing Codes

For billing in Nevada, the distant site must use the GT modifier.

Eligible Healthcare Providers

In Nevada, telemedicine can be provided by a physican, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or nurse midwife.

Additionally, Nevada has excellent telemental health care policies, allowing not just psychiatrists, psychologists and advanced practice nurses to provide and reimburse for telemedicine, but also covering mental health services performed by a social worker or licensed counselor.

Online Prescriptions

All online prescriptions must follow standard Nevada prescribing laws.

Informed Patient Consent

For osteopathic medicine, providers must obtain verbal and written consent regarding knowledge of the risks, benefits, and privacy nuances of telemedicine.

Cross-State Telemedicine Licensing

Great news: Nevada has become part of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which means that restrictions for cross-state telemedicine practice in Nevada are less severe than in other places. To find out more about the compact and see what states are involved, click here!

Patient-Provider Relationship

Some telemedicine services require at least one in-person visit to be covered by Nevada’s Medicaid program. However, this is the only relationship restriction in Nevada.

Restrictions on Locations

Nevada recently removed its law requiring a telepresenter to be on-site with the patient during telemedicine services. And telemedicine is now available statewide as opposed to rural areas only, another bit win for Nevada! However, Medicaid will only reimburse for certain patient settings and distant sites.

Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement rates for telemedicine must be equivalent to an in-person visit, regardless of the payer.

Helpful Resources

Center for Connected Health Policy – Nevada Page

State Medicaid Guidebook

ATA State Policy Matrix

Southwest Telehealth Resource Center