Unicorpus Health Foundation
Specialization: Pediatrician, Cardiology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Emergency Physician, Neurology, Obstetrics Gynecologist, Nephrology, Family Medicine, ENT, Orthopedic, Oncology, Urology, General Dentist, General Physician
Member ID: DR 080123-585
Location: Virtual Appointments on DrsOnCalls
Ground Floor, YMCA Commercial complex, Secunderabad Civil Court, beside UCO Bank, opposite City, Regimental Bazaar, Shivaji Nagar
Address: YMCA Commercial complex, opposite City Civil Court, Regimental Bazaar, Shivaji Nagar Secunderabad, India
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Unicorpus Health Foundation (UHF) is a Non-Profit company registered under Section 8 of Companies Act 2013. Unicorpus was established in 2015 in Hyderabad to provide affordable ethical, evidence based, compassionate and holistic health care. Unicorpus is a 80G and 12A approved Organization. A group of like minded and committed individuals both from medical and non-medical backgrounds have come together to begin the journey of Unicorpus